Jonah Schmidt
I grew up in the Mitchell (South Dakota) area, and my earliest memories are of duck hunting with my dad. I have gone duck hunting with my dad every year since I was 3 or 4. My favorite type of hunting is waterfowl, and I enjoy the challenges of setting up a spread of decoys.
While in high school, I introduced waterfowl hunting to all my friends. I also enjoy taking younger kids out hunting because their smiles make it all worthwhile.
My dad previously had birds mounted at Showpiece Taxidermy, and we were pleased with the mounts. So I contacted Sam and I appreciate the opportunity to work part-time.
I have become involved with the Delta Waterfowl Youth Hunt. A group of about 20 kids was organized and we met with them the night before youth duck season opener. The night consisted of food, bird identification, target shooting, and blind-dressing. The next morning, 5 kids were assigned to a friend and me. We set up our decoys and blinds. Many shots were fired - and each of the 5 kids bagged at least one duck!
I play baseball for Northern State University and am pursuing a Business Marketing degree.
Delta Waterfowl Youth Hunt
Waterfowl Hunting with Youth
Delta Waterfowl Youth Hunt